Mindset: The True Foundation of Entrepreneurial Success
While the first step to become a spiritual entrepreneur is having a business idea you are passionate about, the true foundation of entrepreneurial success rests within your mindset. A good idea can take you only so far. However, true determination to stop at nothing to achieve your goals can carry you through to the finish line.
You may have hundreds – if not thousands – of ‘competitors’ in your field. Many of them may offer the exact same service or product as you. Yet, one business may be raking in huge monthly revenue, while the other can barely get off the ground.
So, what separates these two businesses? It’s the difference in mindset of the entrepreneurs behind the ventures.
The successful spiritual entrepreneur boasts a heightened business mindset that leads to higher revenue. The unsuccessful one may know a thing or two about business, but she’s okay with doing the bare minimum.
Below is a list that displays the key differences in the mindsets of a successful and unsuccessful spiritual entrepreneur. Adopt the mindset philosophies of the successful spiritual entrepreneur and you’ll happily discover that your profits increase as well!
Mindset of the Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur
- Always reaches higher and focuses on the up-sell to deeper transformation of her clients. She knows how to turn $5 into $20 while providing great value.
- Can clearly state what her business is about and who she helps, and isn’t reticent to share it with anyone who’s willing to listen.
- Values the power of enlightened marketing and uses proven marketing tactics that are aligned with her spirit and values. She markets whether business is booming or in a lull.
- Believes in her ability to achieve the best and constantly goes beyond her comfort zone for the greater good of her business and her mission in making a positive impact in the world.
- Believes that customer service is just as important as promotion and providing quality products and services.
- Is a problem solver. She can allocate funds as if it were her natural talent. She knows how to run a tight ship in order to keep revenue up and overhead down.
- Values her intuition and inner guidance over the advice of another. She truly understands what’s best for her business and how to reach those who are a match for what she has to offer.
- Keeps moving when things are slow. She’s always quickly moving on to the next task that must be done to improve her business, services and programs in order to get the best results for her clients.
- Is always attentive and alert. When her business begins to see red, she is an entrepreneurial hero, focused forward and in come cases “failing” forward.
- Implements sound ideas into her existing business plan in order to increase revenue, customer service, and promotion.
- Stands her ground. She confronts rotten eggs with a cool attitude and a firm intent. She notices everything and handles all confrontation with class.
Mindset of the Unsuccessful Spiritual Entrepreneur
- Believes that good enough really is good enough. She believes that a dollar in revenue is better than no revenue at all.
- Feels embarrassed to toot her own horn and often downplays the complexity of her business.
- Employs marketing tactics only when business is slow. She’s all about cutting corners, and when business is booming, marketing expenses seem unnecessary.
- Allows her personal low self-esteem to translate into her business leadership. Because of this, her marketing, networking, public perception, and revenue take a hit.
- Customer service is an afterthought. She takes personal offense to most customer complaints.
- Is a problem solver only when it comes to menial issues, but she cracks under pressure when the hard times come knocking.
- Ignores her intuition and runs to all the wrong people for advice before taking action.
- May thrive under pressure, but it’s her fear that keeps her going rather than her optimism. This same fear can cause panicky, unwise decisions.
- Lets her ideas lie dormant until her business is bringing in more money.
- Stands her ground, but she does so with an overly aggressive and threatening attitude. Her business mindset is out the window when she feels as if she’s being taken advantage of.
As you can see, a heightened mindset – a willingness to succeed and take risks for your business – is the foundation for attaining higher profits. By following the mindset of the successful spiritual entrepreneur, you’ll experience the success you’ve been dreaming about in your business.
If you liked this post, you’ll enjoy Understanding and Adopting A Successful Business Mindset.
About the author : Eva Gregory
Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor leading spiritual entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow! She helps established coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market. The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.
She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.
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Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur: Divine Client Attraction & List Building