Do you have limiting beliefs that keep you from attracting high-end clients?
One of the best ways to grow your business is to focus on high-end clients. These are the folks who can more easily afford your programs and services at premium prices.
If you say you want to work with high-end clients, but it’s not reflected in your current client base, there could be several reasons for that.
However, what I have found is that many spiritual entrepreneurs are being held back by the self-limiting beliefs they hold.
It’s not enough to say, “I want high-end clients.”
You need the right mindset to attract high-end clients who are eager to pay you for the value you offer.
We all find ourselves coming up against fears and doubts sooner or later in business. It’s part of the process.
Any time you are experiencing a new level of growth, you’re going to experience doubts.
And the greater the growth, the greater the doubts and fears. Those doubts and fears show up in thoughts like:
- “Who am I to be able to work with high-end clients?”
- “Some people won’t be able to afford it if I raise my prices.”
- (and my favorite) “Money is not important to me. I only want to help people.”
For many spiritual entrepreneurs, these thoughts feel as solid as concrete.
So I never judge when a client expresses their hesitation to take the next step in their business with “seemingly good reason”. Fears and doubts are often disguised as reason, especially when it comes to pricing.
So let’s break down these limiting beliefs and shift them to a new perspective that will serve you in attracting high-end clients.
From limiting belief to new perspective:
Limiting Belief:
“Who am I to be able to work with high-end clients?”
New Perspective:
Who are you NOT? We all have value to offer others. It comes from our life experiences, our skills and talents, our growth and expansion.
Just because someone may have more money or be more experienced in some areas doesn’t mean you can’t help them in areas where you have the experience, skills, and talents that they do not.
For example, there are great coaches who have never played the sport they coach so brilliantly!
Everything is relative. I have worked with well-known authors and celebrities. They have the same issues and challenges as the rest of us, around self-worth, relationships, health, and money, for starters.
Limiting Belief:
“Some folks won’t be able to afford it if I raise my prices.”
New Perspective:
When you work with those who can afford to pay you well for your services, you are no longer coming from scarcity. That means you’re available to help those you are here to serve and are now in a position to give back to those who may not be able to afford to work with you.
You’ll also repel the bargain hunters who only want the lowest prices they can find. These are the folks who rarely get results because they don’t value the offer. Ironically, the ones who only want the cheapest are the ones who only care about money, not value.
Limiting Belief:
“Money is not important to me. I went into this to help people.”
New Perspective:
Being paid well means having the ability to help even more people. Plus, your work is more valued by your clients and by you!
So kick those limiting beliefs to the curb. Embrace the truth about you and your value so that you can begin taking the steps necessary to attract high-end clients you so richly deserve who can benefit from what you have to offer!
If you want to learn more about how to attract high-end clients, be sure to join us for our FREE Live Workshop Series. Get more information and register at AttractingHighEndClients.com.
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About the author : Eva Gregory
Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor leading spiritual entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow! She helps established coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market. The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.
She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.
Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community, where you'll receive plenty of tools, resources, and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!
Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur: Divine Client Attraction & List Building