Balanced Business Decisions
Making balanced business decisions can be confusing.
Your feeling says yes, your intellect says no…or is it intuition nudging you to finally make a choice. Life can be perplexing when it comes to making decisions and feeling undecided, or dilly-dallying about the choice you have made can be disquieting. For spiritual entrepreneurs, it’s even worse! And, the idea that you “should” be full of the wisdom that helps you avoid indecisive situations doesn’t help! Making balanced business decisions is key.
Being in business means making daily decisions about every facet of how your business should run. Even though you have a right to change your mind, having little faith in the decisions you make is a drain on you mentally, physically, and spiritually. Not making balance business decisions is nothing but wasted energy that could be directed into something positive. It undermines your resolve and prevents you from moving ahead promptly with confidence.
The tricky part is understanding the difference between ego and intuition when it comes to balanced business decisions and knowing when to stay with a decision, and not consistently waver and weigh your mind down with useless distracting thoughts. These thoughts cause you to lose the driving force that could make your business a success.
Here Are Three Strategies To Help You Make Balanced Business Decisions
Strategy #1: Ego vs. Intuition
The ego thinks it is clever and does everything it can to instill fear in you and thwart your plans. Even if you living in a cesspool, the ego feels that it would be better than making a move and trusting the unknown. The ego goes strictly by appearances, which throws any faith you have out the window! A scenario would go something like this. You are in a good mood and ready to make that move, and the ego chants, “forget it, you’ll never make it, or, it’s not possible you don’t have a chance, or, why bother, it’s no use.” These self-defeating thoughts leave you in a quandary.
Intuition is something different altogether. It knows without reasoning. Intuition is the expressway to faith. Intuition can speak to you in a small voice, an image, or in the few words, a stranger says. It is inventive and always guiding you to what’s best for you. You just have to learn to trust it.
Strategy #2: It’s Fine To Feel Fear
If you don’t give fearful thoughts attention, they die. They only thrive and gain power over you if you feed them with attention. Many spiritual entrepreneurs make the mistake of “giving in” to fear, which disallows balanced business decisions from being made. The ego has won again because it has convinced you that what it says is true. Your choice is ego or intuition. The ego is confused, but intuition knows…and knows that it knows. It comes to answers without any reasoning of the conscious mind. One question you can ask yourself is, “If I was not feeling fear, what would I feel in its place?” You will find yourself thinking joyfully, positively, and making more balanced business decisions in the long run.
Strategy #3: Find A Believer
By continuously doubting yourself, you create a mental habit that is hard to break. However, it can be changed. One way is to tell someone you trust, someone who has faith in you, someone who will take you at your word whether the decisions you make are balanced business decisions or not. By adding a witness, you will feel as if “someone’s got your back,” and that reinforcement makes you want to stay true to your word. People have the power to uplift each other in this way.
Making balanced business decisions is crucial, and all successful spiritual entrepreneurs must get in the habit of trusting themselves. Though there are times we must be flexible with our decisions, they should never be made based on fear. Fear makes you vacillate. Instead of wasting time doubting yourself and your choices, take action on your balanced business decisions and watch your confidence soar!
If you liked this post on balanced business decisions, you’ll enjoy Understanding and Adopting A Successful Business Mindset.
About the author : Eva Gregory
Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor leading spiritual entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow! She helps established coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market. The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.
She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.
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