Emily Webber

When I came on as a VIP client with Eva, I was starting a brand new business, and I knew that the energy piece and aligning my energy along with the nuts and bolts the how-to stuff about growing a business was very important to me. I was not going to go into another coaching program that only taught the nuts and bolts. I knew I had to have the energy piece. And, the ‘how to’ piece was VERY in-depth and helpful. In two months I got a brand new website up, I started a Facebook page and went from 0 likes to 847 likes in two months (and still counting!) I made things happen fast.

Getting my energy aligned enabled me to move forward in leaps and bounds. All the details about the whole website – the what to do, the how to do, building out Facebook  – the marketing part of all that, that I had no clue about how to do it – that’s been a major thing to me, because I didn’t know ANYTHING.

I’ve worked with Eva for how many years now. I think it’s been 3-4 years so obviously, I like working with her because I’ve taken just about every program she offers. For me, the energy part, the spirituality part, the spirituality of who I am and what I do had to be as important as the business how to’s. So if you have an opportunity to work with Eva, I’d say of course, do it!

  • Emily Webber
About the author : Eva Gregory

Eva Gregory is an award-winning transformation catalyst and business mentor leading spiritual entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow! She helps established coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner Guidance with proven business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market. The combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive spiritual awareness is what sets her apart from others in her field.

She is an avid supporter of the Milo Foundation, an alternative for homeless pets, the Unstoppable Foundation to bring sustainable education to children and communities in developing countries, and Kiva to support entrepreneurs in under-served communities around the world.

Join her Successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook community, where you'll receive plenty of tools, resources, and training on how to grow a successful enlightened business that lights up your Soul!


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